

LeadBoxer Updates in August

In our previous article, which you can find here, we introduced some new features such as the new leadcard and the improved e-mail alerts. Although we are very excited about the direction in which LeadBoxer is heading, there are still aspects which we’ve been working hard on improving.

Whats New with LeadBoxer?

Smartlist Overview – The biggest change we are introducing this month is the Smartlist Overview page. We created a new page that contains an overview of all the Smartlist & Notification per dataset; allowing you to see all the smart lists in your account.

Leadlist Custom Column – You can now set a column on the leadboard with a (sticky) metric of your choice. We are hoping that this new feature will allow users to have better overview of the factors which are important to them.

Set Target Job Title/Role – Users can now set target job titles, allowing for more streamlined way of finding individuals through the use of employee redirect on LinkedIn

Added Search as URL Parameter – You can now link to LeadBoxer with a pre-defined search and dataset by specifying them in the URL.

New Exit Link URL Filter – Quickly find the leads that used a specific link to exit your site.

Other New Features and Improvements

Here you can see all the other smaller bugfixes and quality-of-life improvements that we did for LeadBoxer in the last month.

  • Invoices are now available for admins on the billing page
  • Allow for deep link to the individual lead-card in the UI
  • We made the payment page only visible for admins
  • We have added search keywords to lead details
  • You can now set a date/period on the dashboard
  • Hide datasets icon from top navigation bar for non-admins
  • Added total session duration to lead card properties
  • Renamed property filters to just Filters and added link to filter documentation
  • Made the Company filter also check column ‘company’
  • Added new API ‘/api/management/add_lead_tags’ for adding tags to leads instead of replacing them
  • Selecting a smart list will now show and expand the filters used

Thank you for sticking until the end of yet another LeadBoxer update sprint. If you want more information on what we’ve done, you can find it here . We will see you again next month with another batch of improvements and meantime you can check our post about Codemotion that took place in Amsterdam.

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Introducing LeadBoxer Updates

We at LeadBoxer have been working tirelessly to bring you the best experience when using our platform. By listening to your feedback we aim to improve the performance and have a smoother work-flow. Recently, we have introduced new features and removed some pesky bugs. Here are our favourite updates to the product:

What’s New with LeadBoxer:

Regional filters – we noticed that most times, people want to target more than one country. After considering what would be the best option to improve this, we decided to include regional filters (finally!). This will allow you to select whole regions rather than manually add countries of interest. Currently, you can include the following regions – EMEA, AMER, Europe, and APAC. More are sure to come

CSV Download Fields – the freedom to select exactly what data is important to you has always been a priority for us. With that in mind, we have included additional fields when exporting CSV files and Smartlists. Now you can configure and choose only vital information and remove the clutter. Furthermore, you can now export 2500 leads (up from 1000).

Platform Improvements

Our strive for perfection continues! We have improved some aspects of the product that have been tormenting us for a while. Here are our top improvements for the last month:

Filter out leads with a specific “Lead Tag” –  with the use of the “is not” and “does not contain” options now you can filter out leads which are not relevant so you can focus only on what is significant.

Switching between versions – we understand that some people might be used to the old platform version and don’t want or need to make the switch at this point. Now you can seamlessly switch back and forth from the old to the new platform depending on what your preferences are.

Quality-of-life Improvements – using LinkedIn Social Login will now show the picture of the person. Shared Leadcard has been redesigned to match the new look and feel of the platform. The phone column on the leadboard has been replaced with the country information.

Bug Fixes

Finally, here are some of the bug fixes we’ve been working on:

  • Fixed a bug that prevented saving smartlists in some specific cases.
  • Fixed a bug where “Last Seen” parameters were not working as expected.
  • Fixed a bug where some of the “Company Size” filters were not working properly.
  • Fixed external resources to all be accessed over secure HTTPS connections.

For full information about all of the features and bug fixes that are being introduced, you can follow our Product Changes page.

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