Update October 2016

Changes & Improvements for October. Read further to see the update of lead properties in October 2016.

1. Lead Properties (per lead)
We have added a Lead Properties section to each lead. This includes all relevant technical details we can provide for the lead. You can find the lead properties if you expand a lead. There is a navigation item called Lead Properties.
If there is any custom data or property for the lead we auto expand the field, if not – click to expand and reveal:

  • IP address
  • ISP
  • original referrer (when available)
  • platform
  • browser
  • Screen size
  • lead card – this is a unique URL with this user’s details

2. Email address displayed when no company identified.
In some cases when an email address has been identified, but no Company is known, we display the email address instead of ‘unidentified Company’

3. Noise/ clutter removed:
The URL to a leadcard has been removed visually and replaced by the words “lead card: Open”

4. On leadboard: ‘unknown company’ linked to documentation
‘how to identify’ documentation linked to ‘unidentified Company’ – this documentation gives ideas on how to enrich the system – in other words, what can be done to improve data when there are too many unidentified companies.

5. Improved clarity: clearly display Dataset name on Instructions page when Lead Pixel is shown and instructions are given for inserting code snippet into source code

6. Introduction materials – script installation and Tour of Features – video demonstration of main Features. These materials automatically display upon first login session when a new account is created.
i. LeadBoxer Introduction Video
ii. Getting Started – 4 steps – Profile and Lead Pixel confirmation
iii. Pixel check
iv. add colleagues
v. add lead target details
vi. leadboard >> pixel not installed? >> introductory video

7. Auto-save implemented for leadscore. It is no longer necessary to ‘save’ adjustments to the leadscore. When changes are made to the page by sliders, etc, these changes are automatically saved.

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