February product updates

Region & City added to Leadscore settings

You can now improve your lead scoring by adding individual scoring options for country, region and cities. Use the ‘tab’ or ‘enter’ keys to confirm your entries.


Email and newsletter tracking

We have added this major feature, more can be read about it here:

Feature description
Release notes
Email open tracking (docs)
Email click tracking (docs)
Identification by email (docs)


Zapier app launch

We are now officially part of the zapier family, read the announcement here


Introduced Person (B2C) based view for CSV downloads

We have added the option to receive notifications that are geared towards a B2C usage of LeadBoxer. Instead of company information these notifications focus on personal information.


Leadscore as filter

You can now add a leadscore threshold as a filter and apply save these as part of your smartlist

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